Fishy Notes is such a fun way to learn and review note names!
Using a wiggly fishing pole, players “fish” for notes and name (and can play) the notes.
There are THREE different levels included... each a different color
(so you don’t have to pick out by hand the fishes that are too easy or too hard!)
LEVEL 1- Notes from bass C to treble G - (13 total cards)
LEVEL 2- Bass Clef notes from low F to B and Treble Clef notes from A to high G - (11 totals cards)
LEVEL 3- Ledger line notes below, in the middle, and above the grand staff! - (10 total cards)
Each note is cut out in the shape of a fish with with a small eye that the magnet attracts
Play one on one or in a group!
This one will be a favorite for sure!