Check out the new way to teach rhythm - The RhythmBox Pack / Free Shipping on all orders over $50



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Vivace is our most recent game. You and your students are going to love it!

It's fast-paced, action-packed game of spoons - but - using and learning music notes and symbols as they play.

Vivace comes complete with 17 large acrylic musical symbols and notes, large 12" deep Vivace draw string bag, instructions,  laminated answer key, and 3 levels of laminated playing cards.

The 17 musical notes and symbols are formed out of 3/16" thick acrylic. Notes and symbols range in size from 5 inches tall for the treble clef to 1 inch square for the smaller symbols. They come in a large draw string bag perfect for allowing students to reach in, feel each piece, and guess the symbol or note they are touching. Your students will learn to know each curve of every note and symbol. It's powerful!

You have your choice of getting an all black or a multi-colored symbol set.

You also have your choice of getting either just the original game - or - the Vivace Game Package

The Vivace Game Package includes everything for both Vivace and Vivace Advanced games. It includes a total of 34 large acrylic musical symbols (basic and advanced symbols), two draw string bags, two master symbol lists (covering both basic and advanced symbols), and instructions for playing a variety of different games and activities.

Fun ways to play VIVACE:

1. Eyes closed
Place the musical pieces in the black Vivace bag and have the student grab a particular musical piece with their eyes closed. They can also grab a random musical piece and just by feeling it (don’t peek!) the student must figure out which one they are holding and/or define it.

2. Beat the timer
Start a timer. Have one student at a time name (or define) all of the musical symbols as quickly as they can. Then see if they can do it again and beat their previous time or have another player do it and see if they can beat the time.

3.Trace it
Place the musical pieces on paper and have the players use a pencil and trace around the musical cutout.

4. Draw it
Give all players a piece of paper and a pencil (or a whiteboard and a marker) and tell them to draw a specific symbol. They can either try to draw it while looking at it, or players can draw it and then compare it to the musical cutout to see how closely they were able to draw it.

5. Musical “chairs”(can be played with many players)
Players sit in a circle and every player except for one person has a musical piece in their hand. Someone plays the piano (or play a recording of a song). When the music is playing everyone passes their pieces to the right. When the song stops the player without a musical piece is out of the game. Take away a musical piece and do it again. Play until there is only one player left!

6. Find it in the music
Give a player a musical piece and sheet music that they are working on. Have them find the musical term in their music (or count how many they can find)!

The 17 musical symbols contained in Vivace are:

Treble Clef

Bass Clef

Eighth Note

Beamed Eighth Note


Quarter Note

Dotted Quarter Note

Half Note

Dotted Half Note

Whole Note

Eighth Rest

Quarter Rest

Half Rest

Whole Rest



Natural Sign