A new 'Pentascales: Major and Minor has just been released!
TWO books in one:
Includes all SEVEN key signatures containing sharps and all SEVEN key signatures containing flats, with a total of 14 pentascales.
The book is reversible. Meaning, on one side the book contains all major pentascales that contain sharps. Flip the book over, and all major pentascales that contain flats are on the other side.
- Full page keyboard visuals
- Easy to read
- Color coded
- Right hand finger numbers
- Left hand finger numbers
Pair with our colored 'Keyboard Dots' for a simple way to learn pentascales!
These keyboard dots can be placed on the keys to match the pentascales in the book.
You can choose to either get the student version or the studio version.
The 'student version' contains the same Major and Minor key signatures but in a smaller, take home, student size (8.5" x 5.5")
The larger studio version is an 8.5" x 11" book ideal for working with students at the piano.
About Pentascales:
Scales= A group of notes/ tones in a pattern in order.
Pentascales= A scale consisting of five notes/ tones. It is shorter than a typical full octave scale. They are also known as 5 Finger-Scales, Five-Note Scales, or Five-Tone Scales.
Major Pentascales Pattern: Whole Step - Whole Step - Half Step - Whole Step
To make any Major pentascale a minor pentascale, lower the third note down a half step.
Minor Pentascales Pattern: Whole Step- Half Step - Whole Step - Whole Step
Pianists play pentascales for a variety of reasons:
They are shorter and simpler than a typical full octave scale
The fingering is the same for each pentascale, making it simple to learn
They can help ensure that their hands are in the correct starting position
They can make sure they are playing the right sharps/ flats in the key signature
A quick warm up before playing a song
Improvisation (try the notes in different orders to play different melodies)
To help them learn triads (the first, third, and fifth notes in a pentascale played harmoniously)
To find the tonic (the first note) and dominant (the fifth note) of a scale
To find the starting note of the next scale in the circle of fifths (the fifth note)
***'Keyboard Dots' are an ideal keyboard tool to use alongside the Pentascales book.