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Vivace Advanced Tool
Vivace Advanced Tool
Vivace Advanced Tool
Vivace Advanced Tool

Vivace Advanced Tool

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Vivace Advanced Tool is our most recent tool. If you liked our original 'Vivace' tool, you and your students are going to love this advanced version!

Vivace Advanced Tool is identical to the Vivace Advanced Game - the difference being that the tool includes only the 17 advanced acrylic musical symbols, along with a white draw string bag, and basic instructions. If you would like to get the 51 laminated and leveled playing cards and more detailed instructions and ideas on how to play various advanced games, you would want to order the Vivace Advanced Game instead.

Vivace Advanced Tool includes 17 advanced musical notes and symbols formed out of 3/16" thick acrylic. These large notes and symbols range in size from 2 inches to more than 3 inches tall.  They come in a large white draw string bag perfect for allowing students to reach in, feel each piece, and guess the symbol or note they are touching. Your students will learn to know each curve of every advanced note and symbol. It's powerful!

You have your choice of getting an all black or a multi-colored advanced symbol set.

You also have your choice of ordering just a single set of the Vivace Advanced Tool, or, of purchasing both the 'Vivace Advanced' Tool and the original 'Vivace Tool' as a package for a substantial discount.


The 17 musical symbols contained in the 'Vivace Advanced Tool' are:

● Time Signatures:

        ○ Common Time

        ○ Cut Time

● Notes/ Rests:

        ○ Sixteenth Note

        ○ Sixteenth Rest

        ○ Beamed Sixteenth Notes

        ○ Beamed Thirty-Second Notes

● Musical Symbols:

        ○ Glissando/ Arpeggio

        ○ Coda Sign

        ○ Double Flat

        ○ Double Sharp

● Dynamic Markings:

        ○ Pianissimo

        ○ Mezzo Piano

        ○ Mezzo Forte

        ○ Fortissimo

        ○ Crescendo

        ○ Decrescendo / Diminuendo

        ○ Accent