These laser cut musical pieces are perfect for keeping students attention and/or creating a hands on learning experience during your lessons.
Instead of using erasers to teach note names, intervals, and symbols on the keyboard, why not use actual musical pieces?
Here are some fun ways you can use these musical pieces during your lessons:
* ask the student to place the treble clef on D
* ask them to place a musical piece on every C on the keyboard
* scatter the music pieces on different keys on the keyboard and ask the student to pick up every A, then C, then D, etc.
* scatter the pieces on the keyboard and ask them to pick up the quarter note, then the eighth note, etc.
There are innumerable ways to creatively use these musical pieces during your lessons.
Combine them with PianoBox's laminated Flash Cards Notes and Intervals for a fun and engaging lesson!
There are 7 musical pieces included in each order.
These beautiful 1' to 1.5" tall pieces come in a variety of colors.
The pieces include:
Treble Clef
Bass Clef
Quarter Note
Eighth Note
Barred Eighth Notes
Barred Sixteenth Notes