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Theory Strips
Theory Strips
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Theory Strips
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Theory Strips
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Theory Strips
Theory Strips
Theory Strips
Theory Strips
Theory Strips
Theory Strips
Theory Strips
Theory Strips
Theory Strips
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Theory Strips
Theory Strips
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Theory Strips

Theory Strips

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Theory Strips are daily drills for theory concepts and come in 10 different levels. The strips are designed to be quick and not overwhelming to the students. They reinforce the concepts over and over again to make sure the student thoroughly understands the concepts and can apply them. Repetition with a variety of applications increases understanding and retention. These small theory strips make learning theory easy and fun.

(Teacher answer keys sold separately - see Theory Strips - Answer Keys)

Concepts in Level 1

Grand Staff
Grand Staff, clefs, key signatures (C,F,G), time signatures, double bar lines, measure, staff, repeat sign, brace, bar lines.  Draw clefs, braces, bar lines, and repeat signs.

Note Names
Notes on keyboard and staff from bass G to treble F.  Sharps, flats, naturals.  Draw line from staff to keyboard.

Identify harmonic and melodic intervals from prime to 5th.

Identify whole and half steps on the keyboard and staff.  Identify major and minor 5-finger patterns and formulas using whole and half steps. Identify tonic and dominant notes.

Name triads on staff by the root note and Roman numerals.

Chord Progressions
Identify primary chord progressions, plagal, and authentic cadences using Roman numerals.

Meter and Rhythm
Name and draw quarter, eighth, half, dotted half, and whole notes. Name and draw quarter, half, dotted half, and whole rests.  Identify time signatures and ties. Add bar lines and missing notes.

Symbols and Terms
Flat, sharp, natural, 8va, fermata, ritardando, piano, forte, a tempo, loco, harmony, melody, legato, staccato

Beats, measures, dynamics, intervals, articulation, time signatures, note values, starting note, ties, slurs, patterns, 5-note scales, triad, AA and AB form, symbols, terms, key signatures for C, F, G.  Draw clefs, brace, repeat signs.

Music History
Keyboard instruments, staff, composer, keyboard geography, folk music, the invention of piano.


Concepts in Level 2


Write the order of Sharps & Flats

Note Names

Enharmonic notes to match the keyboard


Identify Harmonic and Melodic Intervals 1-8


5 note scales on Keyboard


Triads Major/minor on keyboard

Chord Progression

Plagal Cadence IV I Roman Numerals


2/4, 3/4, 4/4 write in counting, determine time signature, musical math

Symbols & Terms

Tie, Slur, Andante, Allegro, Moderato, Crescendo, Diminuendo, Fine, Phrase, Natural, mf, f, mp, p


Tie/Slur, mp/mf, Tempo, Fermata, Legato

Music History

Cristofori, pianoforte, voice, church & home


Concepts in Level 3


Draw order of Sharps & Flats

Note Names

Name the notes above & below the staff – ledger line


Draw intervals 1-8


Know the WS/HS pattern on Major scale. Draw the 8 note scales on the keyboard.


Identify Major & minor triads on staff. Draw inversions on keyboard.

Chord Progression

Identify I IV V7 in the score


2/4, 3/4 Identify eighth notes, quarter note, quarter rest, half note, half rest, whole note, whole rest, dotted quarter notes

Symbols & Terms

Accent, accidental, allegro, andante, DC al fine, Da Capo, Diminuendo, Dolce, Harmony, Melody, ff, f, mf, mp, p, pp


cresc/dim, moderato, form AA AB, rests/notes

Music History

4 musical periods, organ, harpsichord, clavichord, Ionian=Major, Aeolian=minor, WSHS patterns

Concepts in Level 4

Grand Staff

     Write sharps and flats in order (5 pages each)

     DS al fine,coda,tranquillo,vivace,tenuto,lento,accel,x,bb,rall,trill,sempre

     Includes harmonic & melodic – circle the Perfect

     M, m, Aug, Dim – name the quality

     M, m, harmonic minor – add the accidentals

     Write the cadence – M & m (I,IV,I,V7,I)

Note Names
     Includes ledger line notes – inside and outside staff

Note Values
     Write in the counting ¾, 6/8, 4/4, 3/8, C, 6/4, 9/8, 2/2, 5/4 (9)
     Write number of counts 4/4, 6/8, C, ¾ (5)
     What is the value of the “dot” (8)
     Draw the bar lines 4/4, 6/8, ¾, C, 9/8 (8)

Key Signatures
     Draw the #s and bs in order
     Draw the # and b key signatures
     Name the # and b key signatures
     Name the Major then Relative Minor


Concepts in Level 5

Symbols, Terms, History
     Questions and Answers (word)
     (On staff covered in Analysis)

     Find relative minor & Recognize Major & minor key signatures
     write Major and minor key signatures,

     Circle of 5ths – Major (word)
     Recognize & write 3 forms of minor scales

Write the scales

     Note Names
     Roman Numerals I, i, III+, vii°
     Primary Chords with Roman Numerals
     Name the chord (includes Major, minor, Aug, dim)
     Recognize and write the Quality of Triads in Major and Harmonic Scales

     Recognize Major , Minor & Perfect 2nd
     through 8th
     Write Major and Minor intervals above & below given note

Note Values

     Includes Write number of counts ,
     Write in the counting & Meter 2Cadences
     Write complete authentic cadences in Major and minor
     Recognize and write Antecedent and Consequent
     Recognize Complete Authentic Cadence (Major and minor)


Concepts in Level 6

     Recognize Major & minor key signatures
     Write Major & minor key signatures

     Recognize & write Harmonic intervals (include diminished and augmented)

     Know Primary Chords (Major & minor with Roman numerals)
     Write and name scale degrees of triads

Notes & Rests
     Write in counting, add one note or rest to complete the measure
     Recognize Time Signatures, Meter, Conducting Patterns

Note Names
     Recognize and spell triads (Major, minor, dim, Aug)

     Write chord progressions in major and minor (tonic in Root position)

     Recognize & write triads in inversions (M,m,d,A)
     Recognize Figured Bass, Write Figured Bass

Terms, Symbols and History
     Simile, marcato, non troppo, anacrusis, grave, senza, pedal, sfortzando, mordent, all         breve

     Recognize Imitation, Minuet and Trio, ABA or Ternary Form
     Review Form and previously covered information

Circle of 5ths with relative minor
     Name the order of #’s and b’s


Concepts in Level 7

     Transpose notated melody to new key

     Recognize and write number and quality of intervals
     Write intervals

     Recognize and write a Chromatic Scale – ascending and descending
     Recognize and write Triads w/symbols and degree names in a harmonic minor scale
     Roman numerals
     Scale Degree names

Note value and Rhythm
     Recognize and write Simple, Compound and Asymmetrical Meter
     Recognize and write notation and counting

Note Names
     Recognize and write Major and Harmonic Minor Scales – Parallel Keys

Chord Progression
     Recognize and write harmony by adding the chord root on the bass staff, write         Roman numerals

History & Terms

     Recognize and write Dominant 7th Chords with accidentals & inversions w/figured bass
     Instructions to Recognize and write Figured Bass for Dominant 7th Chords
     Review - name triad’s inversions with figured bass

     Recognize Imitation, Sequencing, Repetition and Recapitulation
     Review form

Key Signatures Major & minor


Concepts in Level 8

     Transpose on staff.
     Harmonize melody.

     Invert intervals and identify quality of new interval

     Draw a complete circle of 5ths with M/m & Key Signature
     Write a whole tone scale on staff.

Note value and Rhythm
     Write Augmentation and Diminution of given notation.

Note Names
     Spell scales of enharmonic keys

Chord Progression
     Write on staff Cadence I IV V7 I with inversions
     Write on staff Figured Bass

Symbols & Terms
     piu, assai meno, non, con, ma, allargando, semplice, senza, spiritoso, brillante, sostenuto
     Review previous terms

     Write on staff MM, Mm, mm, dm, dd

     Sonata form – exposition, development, recapitulation

     Pre-Baroque, “tempering” Bach “The Well Tempered Claier”, scales, chords, intervals
     M,m,dim, aug, Concerto, Character piece

     Melodic and Harmonic repetition
     Rhythmic repetition

Key Signatures Major & minor

Circle of 5ths


Concepts in Level 9

     Draw a grand staff, all parts, write music

     Recognize and write number and quality of intervals
     Write intervals

     Recognize and write M, m (3), Modes, Jazz, Whole Tone, Chromatic Scale – ascending and descending
     Recognize and write Triads w/symbols and degree names in a harmonic minor scale
     Roman numerals
     Scale Degree names

Note value and Rhythm
     Review any concept previously learned
     Recognize and write Simple, Compound and Asymmetrical Meter
     Recognize and write notation and counting

Note Names
     Spell scales, Whole Tone and chromatic
     Recognize and write Major and Harmonic Minor Scales – Parallel Keys

Chord Progression
     Write on staff Modulation
     Write on staff Figured Bass

Symbols & Terms
     Rondo form

     Write on staff
     Resolve V7 root to Tonic 2nd

     Terms: expressive, con fuoco, con brio, pesante, trill, issimo, ino, ietto, e a
     Ornaments, anacrusis
     Review previous terms

     Periods of Music, Dates, composers
     Vocal Forms – Mono, Poly, Homophonic
     Cadences – Improvisation, figured bass and lead sheet

Key Signatures Major & minor

Circle of 5ths


Concepts in Level 10

Grand Staff

 Modulation-identify chords and write Roman numerals and figured bass for each       chord including I V7 vi6 to ii6 I64 V7.   Circle of  5ths.  Write key signatures.


Draw intervals using all major, minor, diminished, augmented and perfect intervals.


Draw all major, minor modes, pentatonic, jazz and whole tone scale on staff. Name and draw modes.  Write quality of triads in the major & minor scales.  Scale degree names.  Identify notes by degree.


Write roman numerals and figured bass for each chord on the staff. Identify & write cadences with roman numerals. Write triads on scales


Identify chord progressions written in SATB from the staff (authentic, plagal, half and deceptive cadences. Identify types of cadences and chord progression with roman numerals.


Identify the time signature for any given rhythm. Add one note or rest to complete measure. Meter - Simple, Duple, Compound


2 part invention, Sonata Allegro form


Music periods and unique features - include Renaissance and Impressionistic.  Composers.  Bach - Tempered Scale